Effective Hot Car Technology Needed ASAP
After more than 1,000 deaths and 15 years of advocating for a federal safety standard to protect children and prevent hot car deaths, Congress passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act which includes a mandate for action by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) aimed at preventing hot car tragedies.
Kids and Car Safety applauds Congress for enacting a provision aimed at addressing this deadly but preventable problem and urges DOT to guarantee optimal protection by requiring occupant detection and alert systems when they issue their final rule without delay.
Without occupant detection in all vehicles, children will continue to die in hot cars. In the document below, learn more about the current state of affairs as well as the reasons occupant detection is critical for prevention.
Occupant Detection vs Hot Cars Act Passed
Must See Reports
Fate of Campaign to Save Kids Trapped in Hot Cars Now in Congress’ Hands, The City – 8/18/21
Fatal Distraction Pulitzer Prize winning article by Gene Weingarten, The Washington Post – 3/8/09
Hot car deaths: Study describes psychological and neural basis of how people make fatal errors – 3/5/19
How We Can Protect Children From Dying in Hot Cars Editorial published on Time.com – 7/29/16
An epidemic of children dying in hot cars: a tragedy that can be prevented (Dr. David Diamond) – 6/20/16
Related Documents
Statement from Victims’ Families Read by Senator Blumenthal During July 10th, 2019 Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee During Consideration of the HOT CARS Act of 2019