Sondra L Morgan
Sondra Morgan joined the organization in 2003 when she contacted Janette Fennell on her platform for the Mrs. Minnesota pageant. Sondra’s desire was to learn how these hot car tragedies could happen. Like so many people, who ask themselves, how could a parent leave their child in a car? With the help and guidance of Ms. Fennell, Sondra was able to understand the dynamics of how this does and can happen to any well-meaning parent or caregiver. She designed her platform “Look ..then Lock” as a catalyst to bring awareness nationwide on this issue. Sondra was adamant about her platform that parents and caregivers always check/look in the back seat before locking their vehicle. Kids and Car Safety in partnership with Sondra revised the slogan to “Look Before You Lock” which is known nationwide today. Sondra wanted to make this slogan as prevalent as “Don’t Drink and Drive” and “Click it or ticket”. With the help of Kids and Car Safety, her idea became a reality when it was adopted by NTHSA (National Traffic and Safety Administration). Today you see such reminders at stores like Walmart and on the Weather Channel.
Sondra continues to her work with Kids and Car Safety as a VP for Minnesota and Massachusetts. She is also trying to get the Unattended Child in Motor Vehicle Safety Act passed in each state. She has testified before the Minnesota Senate committees on this bill and will continue to work on them until they are brought into law. Sondra has been a spokesperson for Prevent Child Abuse Minnesota, Board Member for Grace Place, Member of the Citizen Review Panel on Child Abuse issues and chaired such major events as the Winona Health Annual Birthday Ball, Winona Community Foundation and was seen on MTV Super Sweet 16, as the Event Coordinator for one of the series.