Walking to the Bus Stop
- If you must walk in the street to your bus stop, walk single file, face traffic and stay as close to the edge of the road as you can.
- Stop and look left, right and then left again if you must cross the street. Do the same thing at all driveways.
Waiting at the Bus Stop
- Don’t play running games or push and shove at the bus stop.
- Make sure you stand at least 5 giant steps from the road while waiting for the bus.
Getting On and Off the Bus
- ALWAYS cross in front of the bus, NEVER behind. Make sure that you are at least 10 feet (five giant steps) ahead of the bus before crossing. When crossing in front of the bus, you should be able to maintain eye contact with the driver.
- Do not cross a street until the bus has come to a COMPLETE stop, the RED stop lights will be on and the driver will signal when it is safe to cross. NOT all drivers stop for school bus lights so always look to the right and left to make sure all traffic has come to a complete stop before stepping into the roadway. Always cross in front of the bus at a distance so you can see the driver and the driver can see you.
- If you drop something, NEVER pick it up. Instead, tell the driver and follow the driver’s instructions. If you bend over to pick up a dropped object, you might not be seen by the driver and could be hurt if the driver pulls away from the stop. NEVER CRAWL UNDER THE BUS FOR ANYTHING!
- Make sure when exiting the bus on the trip home you look to the right before stepping off the bus. Impatient drivers may try to pass the bus on the right. Again make sure to cross in front of the bus and maintain eye contact with driver.
- Never walk close to the side of the bus. Always keep a distance between you and the bus.
- Do not have any strings hanging from jackets or sweatshirts. Hanging items can get stuck it the door of the bus and put you in danger.
- Do not walk near the bus or close to the street while talking or texting on a cell phone.
- Be alert and slow down when driving in neighborhoods with school zones.
- Watch for children walking, playing or assembling near bus stops. Children arriving late for the bus may dart into the street without looking for traffic.
- Do NOT pass a stopped school bus.
- Obey the school bus laws in your State, as well as the "flashing signal light system" used for school buses.
- Yellow flashing lights indicate the bus is preparing to stop to load or unload children. Motorists should slow down and prepare to stop their vehicles.
- Red flashing lights and extended stop arms indicate the bus has stopped and children are getting on or off. Motorists must stop their cars and wait until the red lights stop flashing, the extended stop-arm is withdrawn, and the bus begins moving before they can start driving again.