Posted: Thu 9:04 AM, Jul 06, 2017
(GRAY) - It was a change in routine that led to the death of 2-year-old Maya Peabody. Her mother, Dawn Peabody recalls the day it happened, “October 18th 2008 was a very un-typical day for us, normally on Saturdays my daughter Maya would have gone to work with me. We had family in town so we all went out to breakfast and took three separate vehicles.” After breakfast, Dawn took the family suburban to work. Maya went with her father, Wes, and the other kids piled in with Grandma and Grandpa. Dawn Peabody says, “My husband on the way home stopped to get gas and then when he got home he did what he normally would have done he jumped out of his vehicle ran inside to play with the kids. About an hour later someone asked where is Maya. And then it hit him, ‘Oh my goodness, I exited the vehicle thought she was with Mom, she's still in the vehicle.’ He ran to our family vehicle and found Maya and unfortunately it was too late.” Babies now ride rear-facing in the backseat, where they are safer than in the front. However it does present the issue of ‘out of sight, out of mind.’ That coupled with distractions, stress, fatigue and a change in routine is the catalyst for these terrible tragedies. Expert Janette Fennell says, “The worst mistake anyone can ever make is to think that this could never happen to them or to their family. That is the biggest mistake because if you really feel that way you won't put the safety tips and place that can assure it won't happen to you or your family.” Parents need reminders for everything, including kids. Experts recommend when you’re going somewhere with your baby, to put your cell phone, purse or brief case in the back seat of the car. That way you’ll be sure to check the back seat and remember your child. Mother Dawn Peabody urges others to follow these tips saying, “It’s happened to the most caring people you could ever meet who never in a million years dreamed they’d be the cause of their child’s death.”